Thursday, February 25, 2010

oh miss cheung is a lunatic.

okay. just so you know. i would never really intend to write english anymore. except when im at school, because typing chinese in macs is really quite annoying.but since accounting is gonna fin in like 5 to 10 minutes, channels gonna switch pretty soon (it didnt because i typed without thinking. and by the time i fin the bell rang) . i do realised that most of the time i just love talking about sad shit stuff here. i guess happy things could be said to anybody anytime. but shit stuff cant. theres no one (fact: i have no friends whatsoever now. i dont think i do, in a anyway) to. so it comes to that the blabbing has to go somewhere. and sorry if my words arent making sense. they never do really. everyone knows my english is shit and i still hav to write/type in english. fuck this.
you know. sometimes. i start thinking about this really primary schools question. WHAT ARE THE QUALITIES THAT GOOD FRIENDS HAVE. you know. maybe im just an anti social person. or something. i remember i used to believe ive got a whole heap of great friends. and when you really swirl around and look at it the other way. ah haha too bad YOU DONT. as a matter of fact. sometimes maybe im just saying ive got friends because i really dont. you know how people emphasize something because they are lying. mmhmm maybe thats whats happening here.
ive turned really gay this week. i dont know where im heading. i feel greatly reluctant in turning into this different person. but i know i am alreaady. i dont talk the way i used to do. seriously, i ve gone a little more serious. i was skyping with jeffrey yesterday. and i realised. i dont really laugh at what he thinks at times now. like we dont sync. i dont know. and i dont know how to draw those retarded little monsters now. maybe its just i dont like drawing them now, afteralll people get on and off things.
but you know, sometimes you tthink someone is like really close to you. and you put some hopes up on them. expecting them to do certain things. they wont. they prefer something for themselves over you. it's okay. maybe im just too sensitive here. (and maybe its human deadly factual that people are just real selfish) you know. maybe it shouldnt be as complicated as i think it is. just yeah. i dislike this year. and last year . and from 0:00 of the stage to melbourne. it has already startd sucking shit. i love whining dont i. god me. i think all i can ever do is whine. so much for all those best friends crap. PLEASE. IF they really were your best friends they would do so much more for you. you're just like one of those stupid girls who hit their heads on the wall for nothing. or maybe you can just really expect this, you know, there is never really equivalent 'velocity' in friendships.
(so what is this ronnie. why are you making such a big big deal about this. (i tend to get angry when im disappointed. like most people. idk) your angry how nicolee prefers her convinience than you. it's really nothing. it's not much of a big deal. they dont pick you up normally anyway so whats this big fuzz about? well you know. and the reason you didnt scream/yelled at her across the msn conversation is because you know it wouldnt really mean anything even if you did yelled or something. and it would be awkward when you guys meet up anyway because you commanded for it not out of their own will. and also this entire willy business. i thought you said youve got over it. you know. so what the shit is that. i know you dont obsess over him anymore (woah im like telling eveyrbody. but okay, go on, your pissed,). but yeah . okay it annoys me. how he talks but we never finish. i mean. why are alll your friends so ignorant now? is it you or is it them. understood, work. but yeah. it wouldnt really hurt to spare a moment or two right. its not like i dont hav work as well. haha so dont be dumb ronnie. everyones only care about themselves. its been like this since 100bc or something. so dont whine. you just havnt got it quite yet. oh yeah and you know you just mentioned your friends' name thye will find out? hahb yeah i know. i dont really giv for now. not for this very moment. you know. if you want to say something. fucking say it. and you and your quotes. you tell people to say what they really mean. but you dont. hypocrite you. and you. i dont know what to say. you just piss me of every other day. and fyi to all. its not pms. because i just had it last week. thanks-

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