Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
有考試的材料 歌聲 還有疑似電影裏的情節
而我的身體卻顯得不耐煩 很想休息
便在床上翻動 四肢也在抓狂 不停的踢被子
三番四次的坐起來 猛抓頭皮 一心想一切靜止
老狗便開始猛吠 跑到我腳旁
我站著猶豫了一下 便把他卷到我手臂裏
我就知道 我很需要擁抱
而那只毛 竟然能看穿這一點 更送來得及時的慰藉
仲然 今天的考試尚算順利渡過
整天的狀態也是挺差 沒怎麽説話 只想填回落魄後空虛
睡午覺 吃甜點 ...
猜不透的是 令我覺得最愉快的 是無意中在網上看到的一大堆藝術
視覺的 反而微微挑起了力竭的思維
有考試的材料 歌聲 還有疑似電影裏的情節
而我的身體卻顯得不耐煩 很想休息
便在床上翻動 四肢也在抓狂 不停的踢被子
三番四次的坐起來 猛抓頭皮 一心想一切靜止
老狗便開始猛吠 跑到我腳旁
我站著猶豫了一下 便把他卷到我手臂裏
我就知道 我很需要擁抱
而那只毛 竟然能看穿這一點 更送來得及時的慰藉
仲然 今天的考試尚算順利渡過
整天的狀態也是挺差 沒怎麽説話 只想填回落魄後空虛
睡午覺 吃甜點 ...
猜不透的是 令我覺得最愉快的 是無意中在網上看到的一大堆藝術
視覺的 反而微微挑起了力竭的思維
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
竟會像大人般的晃然大悟 諷刺吧
他們的神情 笑容 距離
flashback 裏的影像真難忘
身邊的朋友 原來已經陪著我好久的時間
謝謝一直都不離不棄 我從來都是一個挺爛的人
如果第一次見面的時候是四年級 我們 (太多我們) 好歹都認識 7年多了
你看 7 年就是這樣過去了 一直這樣下去會很有趣吧
不要讓我有機會叫你們舊朋友 因爲老朋友這名詞動聽多了
竟會像大人般的晃然大悟 諷刺吧
他們的神情 笑容 距離
flashback 裏的影像真難忘
身邊的朋友 原來已經陪著我好久的時間
謝謝一直都不離不棄 我從來都是一個挺爛的人
如果第一次見面的時候是四年級 我們 (太多我們) 好歹都認識 7年多了
你看 7 年就是這樣過去了 一直這樣下去會很有趣吧
不要讓我有機會叫你們舊朋友 因爲老朋友這名詞動聽多了
Monday, May 24, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
If you're angry at a loved one, hug that person. And mean it. You may not want to hug - which is all the more reason to do so. It's hard to stay angry when someone shows they love you, and that's precisely what happens when we hug each other. ~Walter Anderson, The Confidence Course, 1997
via elaine
i keep telling myself not to be angry.
this is afterall, a long d issue.
if it wasnt for the god damn xxxx miles
we'd be smiling at each other every single minute.
besides. this is just your 老毛病
what can i do about it?
via elaine
i keep telling myself not to be angry.
this is afterall, a long d issue.
if it wasnt for the god damn xxxx miles
we'd be smiling at each other every single minute.
besides. this is just your 老毛病
what can i do about it?
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
偶然也會發發白日夢 幻想一下以後的事 大概誰也曾經這樣想過吧 (如果你沒有,對不起)
雖然不太實在 不過那些夢一直都在腦海裏飄游
有空時會想 不開心時又想 懶惰時再想
漸漸地 未來夢便成爲了現在的推動力
這陣子 突然變得認真地渴望著 很想很想快點長大
特別 cant wait to get out of school (quote selina :))
年少 要是青春狂妄的
工作 要是不顧一切的
愛情 要是細水長流的
婚姻 要是與子皆老的
別人說過 到你工作時就會明白學習的可貴 那不可怕
這種感覺 比任何一次還強烈
i wanna stay forever young as well
可是我不介意變老 目擊歲月在自己身上留痕
年齡會當老師 教會你當時該明瞭的事情
happy early one month anniversary.
因爲如果這樣可以繼續 six months. one year. two years.
回想one month 的時候 白痴便會變得很特別
16嵗的 也許不該這樣想太多
雖然不太實在 不過那些夢一直都在腦海裏飄游
有空時會想 不開心時又想 懶惰時再想
漸漸地 未來夢便成爲了現在的推動力
這陣子 突然變得認真地渴望著 很想很想快點長大
特別 cant wait to get out of school (quote selina :))
年少 要是青春狂妄的
工作 要是不顧一切的
愛情 要是細水長流的
婚姻 要是與子皆老的
別人說過 到你工作時就會明白學習的可貴 那不可怕
這種感覺 比任何一次還強烈
i wanna stay forever young as well
可是我不介意變老 目擊歲月在自己身上留痕
年齡會當老師 教會你當時該明瞭的事情
happy early one month anniversary.
因爲如果這樣可以繼續 six months. one year. two years.
回想one month 的時候 白痴便會變得很特別
16嵗的 也許不該這樣想太多
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Give me more loving than I’ve ever had
Make me feel better when I’m feeling sad
Tell me I’m special even though I know I’m not
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
Barely getting mad
I’m so glad I found you
I love being around you
You make it easy
Its as easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say
Those three words
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
Give me more loving from the very start
Piece me back together when I fall apart
Tell me things you never even tell your closest friends
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
You’re the best that I’ve had
And I’m so glad I found you
I love being around you
You make it easy
It’s easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say
Those three words
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
(I love you) I love you
You make it easy
It’s easy as 1 2 1 2 3 4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say
Those three words
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
(I love you) I love you
I love you
(I love you) I love you
Give me more loving than I’ve ever had
Make me feel better when I’m feeling sad
Tell me I’m special even though I know I’m not
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
Barely getting mad
I’m so glad I found you
I love being around you
You make it easy
Its as easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say
Those three words
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
Give me more loving from the very start
Piece me back together when I fall apart
Tell me things you never even tell your closest friends
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
You’re the best that I’ve had
And I’m so glad I found you
I love being around you
You make it easy
It’s easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say
Those three words
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
(I love you) I love you
You make it easy
It’s easy as 1 2 1 2 3 4
There’s only one thing
To Do
Three words
For you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only one way to say
Those three words
That’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
(I love you) I love you
I love you
(I love you) I love you
Saturday, May 8, 2010
wahhh. not kidding man. heavy flow heavy flow. for my wallet.
bought so much shit today. but its okay. because i be turning into a nerd until the end of may.
big problem is i still couldnt get pressies for all the may people!
im so so so sorry im such a failure ):
and i still couldnt find a nice dress for my cousin wedding
and i still couldnt find those bonds for nicolee wtf
and i still couldnt find a macbeth with modern version.
yes, what bullshit is this. i am studying macbeth again!
bought so much shit today. but its okay. because i be turning into a nerd until the end of may.
big problem is i still couldnt get pressies for all the may people!
im so so so sorry im such a failure ):
and i still couldnt find a nice dress for my cousin wedding
and i still couldnt find those bonds for nicolee wtf
and i still couldnt find a macbeth with modern version.
yes, what bullshit is this. i am studying macbeth again!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
這個世界上一定有兩個人是注定好的,配好的。無論你是500磅重還是怎樣,他喜歡你就是喜歡你,他愛你就一定會接受你! 到我死的時候,老婆(張柏芝)會是陪在我身邊的那個人。
這個世界上一定有兩個人是注定好的,配好的。無論你是500磅重還是怎樣,他喜歡你就是喜歡你,他愛你就一定會接受你! 到我死的時候,老婆(張柏芝)會是陪在我身邊的那個人。
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
ring ring ring!
so it's kind of like mufti today
and because my winter clothes are s t i l l not here. i have nothing to wear but hoodies and jeans.
it's up to a stage where i have to layer my tshirt to keep warm.
yep ive got a tshirt underneath this white.
still. i was in a hurry this morning
so i just pour my box of jewellery (not excatly) in my bag front pocket and wear them on the way to school.
i dont think many people notice
but it makes me happy for some reason.
and if you notice my about me bar on the left.
i was thinking of avatar when i did that pose.
and because my winter clothes are s t i l l not here. i have nothing to wear but hoodies and jeans.
it's up to a stage where i have to layer my tshirt to keep warm.
yep ive got a tshirt underneath this white.
but i couldnt allow myself to just walk out like some geek.
tiredness has made me lazy. (if you look at what i've been wearing since the first post) it's all trash. well guess it doesnt really matter when all you ever go is something down local.still. i was in a hurry this morning
so i just pour my box of jewellery (not excatly) in my bag front pocket and wear them on the way to school.
i dont think many people notice
but it makes me happy for some reason.
and if you notice my about me bar on the left.
i was thinking of avatar when i did that pose.
the late present
the last post
and everything else.
but i know you wont mind :)
because as long as i say what i mean
and you get to hear this
i think both of us;d be okay
so my dear
thanks heaps for being my roomate when i first came
it was too generous of you
i know i was terrible
i know i shouldnt be reminding you
but now that your 18
everyones says its a new chapter in life
i know your still in high school
but you know
you get to do a whole lot more with this number
so even this might sound really really cliche
just carpe diem you know.
cease the day.
no one can imagine how fast 18 years have gone by
i know im not there yet
but i dont think i will be able believe it by the time i get there
it's a a good start for new goals and etc
we shall ace our final years
and be the rich bitches in hk by the time we get twenty something
yes baby twenty something because we are too goofw
anyway ily and happy happy happy birthday
the late present
the last post
and everything else.
but i know you wont mind :)
because as long as i say what i mean
and you get to hear this
i think both of us;d be okay
so my dear
thanks heaps for being my roomate when i first came
it was too generous of you
i know i was terrible
i know i shouldnt be reminding you
but now that your 18
everyones says its a new chapter in life
i know your still in high school
but you know
you get to do a whole lot more with this number
so even this might sound really really cliche
just carpe diem you know.
cease the day.
no one can imagine how fast 18 years have gone by
i know im not there yet
but i dont think i will be able believe it by the time i get there
it's a a good start for new goals and etc
we shall ace our final years
and be the rich bitches in hk by the time we get twenty something
yes baby twenty something because we are too goofw
anyway ily and happy happy happy birthday
Monday, May 3, 2010
hi. this is for you.
i said im not going to broadcast anything between us
but you are not replying me on msn
so im just going to write it here
i thought about writing you an email
but it just doesnt feel enough
it's not the nicest thing
im just trying to be more rational about this
ive had too many pain of losses
i cant allow myself to take more. i need to prevent them
so on a certain level
you and nic are equal
in a more irrational/emotional sense
you are indeed the most important person in my life
for too many reasons. life is basically incomplete without you.
i dont shit to make people feel better, you know that
and dont tell me it's okay it doesnt matter
because its not fucking okay and it does fucking matter
it's all too good to be true
there must be someone whos better than me
so much physically closer to you, smarter, better looking etc.
or maybe it has nothing to do with anybody
it might be that you just dont want to do it anymore
who knows
theres a lot of things i want to do with you
but will we get there?
one and a half year is not long, but definitely not short.
but whatever happens
and this has actually come across my mind for a lot of times
i just didnt say it. im not leaving.
i dont care if you show me all those other sides you try to hide
i dont care if ib takes over your life
im happy as long as you stay with me. okay?
i said im not going to broadcast anything between us
but you are not replying me on msn
so im just going to write it here
i thought about writing you an email
but it just doesnt feel enough
it's not the nicest thing
im just trying to be more rational about this
ive had too many pain of losses
i cant allow myself to take more. i need to prevent them
so on a certain level
you and nic are equal
in a more irrational/emotional sense
you are indeed the most important person in my life
for too many reasons. life is basically incomplete without you.
i dont shit to make people feel better, you know that
and dont tell me it's okay it doesnt matter
because its not fucking okay and it does fucking matter
it's all too good to be true
there must be someone whos better than me
so much physically closer to you, smarter, better looking etc.
or maybe it has nothing to do with anybody
it might be that you just dont want to do it anymore
who knows
theres a lot of things i want to do with you
but will we get there?
one and a half year is not long, but definitely not short.
but whatever happens
and this has actually come across my mind for a lot of times
i just didnt say it. im not leaving.
i dont care if you show me all those other sides you try to hide
i dont care if ib takes over your life
im happy as long as you stay with me. okay?
Sunday, May 2, 2010
good things happen when you least expect them
i didnt expect you to talk to me on msn last night
i didnt expect you even suggest skype
i didnt expect you to leave an offline message.

wheres the sun?
i didnt expect you even suggest skype
i didnt expect you to leave an offline message.
wheres the sun?
Saturday, May 1, 2010
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