Wednesday, June 23, 2010


for awhile
i thought ive changed, been manipulated.
i thought that ronnie was never going to come back
i dont listen, speak, laugh,    like i used to;
but yesterday. there seemed to be this spark in me
and it reminded me of what life was like back then
is it the new him. or music. or simply that ive successfully shift into this choking space?

regarding new him. means really nothing. i dont want anybody but you.
this other day. i was just going to say- three words, eight letters.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


In the past two decades, men’s fashion underwent a profound yet silent revolution. There was the urge to scream a message of change, because in the Eighties and Nineties fashion — or anything more innovative — was perceived as something for gay men or weirdos. It’s not like that anymore. Men crave fashion and buy and change their clothes based on the occasion. For us, the big break happened at the end of the Nineties, when we started working with David Beckham, a hot, straight man with a family and kids. - Stefano Gabbana

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

RIP Tobias Wong

why do all the amazing people go suicide at such an early age?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

girl's where the attitude i want?

opportunities are all over the place.
but only if you fight for them
ronnie stop complaining. they were there only because you were lucky.
you can say you got unlucky.
but life is just showing you that when things dont happen the way you want them to be, you have to fight for what you want

nicolee look like these gorgeous macaroons :)

and this dog! i want this instead of woody! hahahahahah

Saturday, June 5, 2010

懷念 技術低 創意高的 向後站

一 開始 天下未大亂
一 定是 出事在人類太向前
科 技是 威力大又利便
人 於 是手腳漸變短做運動氣 喘

原來是 做慢些 更細心 更浪漫
人 為什麼 卻要反

想 像是 給電玩局限住
通 話是 用網名互贈 兩個字
而親 密是 早沒落 舊玩意

原來是 做慢些 更細心 更浪漫
人 為什麼 會覺得 太麻煩
誰明 做盡些 也快些 到極限

科 技是 沒有真 做任何事

原來是 做慢些 更細心 更浪漫
人 為什麼 會覺得 太麻煩
誰明 做盡些 也快些 到極限

為何用 電動的 數碼的 更浪漫
人 為什麼 約去街都 怕麻煩
懷念 技術低 創意高的 向後站


原來是 做慢些 更細心 更浪漫
人 為什麼 會覺得 太麻煩
無人願 畫畫畫 作作詩 我示範

為何用 電動的 數碼的 更浪漫
人 為什麼 約去街都 怕麻煩
懷念 技術低 創意高的 向後站

15萬燭光 愈打壓愈明亮 警方數字11.3萬 21年新高

(明報)2010年6月5日 星期六 05:10

【明報專訊】這個晚上,15萬港人懷著沉重心情聚集維園 ,悼念1989年6月4日那一夜,在北京 天安門 為民主獻上生命的同胞。雖然新民主女神像一度被警方扣留、現只容許暫放中大校園,參與維園晚會人士甚至感到香港悼念六四 的自由度被收緊了,但響徹維園的歌聲未有顫抖,有蠟燭的高舉燭光,無蠟燭的亮起手機,以此示明﹕21年來,港人未有忘記平反六四的心願,愈打壓愈強!
支聯會 計算的集會人數平了去年紀錄,達15萬人,一樣地迫爆維園6個足球場、籃球場和草地,警方估計的人數卻較去年多了八成,達11.3萬人,是晚會舉行21年來警方估計人數的最多的一次。

支聯會主席司徒華 對此感到滿意,「多謝」特區政府 搶走兩個民主女神像及浮雕,也「多謝」中文大學校長劉遵義 拒絕把女神像永久擺放中大,激起市民憤怒,令更多人參加集會,「曾蔭權 政治智慧太低,他不單不能打壓我們,反而幫助我們有更多人參加集會」。

晚會於8時15分開始,其後不斷有市民由銅鑼灣 、北角湧來,大會在8時50分宣布,前來人潮已擠得到連維園旁的告士打道、糖街都被封了,全場即報以歡呼聲。大會預備的蠟燭也不夠派,市民便應呼籲亮起手提電話,為六四死難者送上悼念。

今年晚會以「平反六四 堅持到底」為主題,序幕《為自由》音樂錄像,剪輯了民主女神像在89年在北京誕生、被拉倒,再在香港豎立20年,日前被政府沒收的片段。支聯會副主席蔡耀昌致悼詞時說,他們今年舉辦六四悼念活動「遇到前所未有的政治打壓」,但他以嘶啞的聲線堅定地說﹕「我們的回應是,毋畏毋懼、堅持到底、戰鬥到底,不只這一代,還要一代一代地堅持和戰鬥下去!」









讓你最快樂的人 偏偏是那個令你最生氣的
其實 你愛我嗎?
對不起 我的信任,好像用盡了
看著空白的背景 刻板的字 還有在眨的 |
其實 我並不是一個用來依賴的好對象
你看錯了 快醒來吧
如果我在你身旁 至少我可以默默地抱著你
這樣子 倒不如找那位靠近你又喜歡你的
耗盡信任 只剩下沉默
爲什麽 別人就是可以無所不談
曾經 我以爲 就算我們的世界好像越轉越遠
你叫我不要妒忌別人 那你知道爲什麽嗎
爲什麽她生氣 他會去哄她
爲什麽她不開心 他會陪她
不過告白前的你  跟告白後的你
有差嗎 不對 你根本沒有告白

Thursday, June 3, 2010



Nicole Richie在娛樂版久不久就出現,她曾經跟富家女Paris Hilton共演真人騷,但多年浮沉之後都無大建樹,直至找到自己真正的興趣――設計首飾,整個人像落地生根,吸取日月精華,然後脫胎換骨! 她的首飾品牌House of Harlow 1960先在連鎖時裝店Kitson見到,頗為驚喜,但一來嫌重二來嫌貴,可設計真的不錯,雖然我不知道她是真有天份還是將自己瘋狂購物的現貨抄襲一番。Kitson的系列售價一點也不便宜,在羅省時已經吃一驚,普通一條孔雀頸鍊要三、四千元,一隻包皮銀手鐲也要好幾千,但後來在網上首飾店singer22.com找到,幾乎有齊整個系列,而且價格合理得多,她的金鍊頭環,連麥當娜也要捧場,不過頭環需要有一些劉海才好看,而且黑頭髮效果不及金髮,她的長頸鍊、孔雀戒指及皮製碎鑽手鐲都突出;但最開心的還是見到一個人的轉化能力,由蒲精變了擲地有聲、別樹一格的設計

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

whats flowing in the blood lately

so. terribly sorry if the last video made you feel unease.
but lately i've been looking into weird stuff. anything but mainstream.
so what does weird stuff mean
religion; conspiracies; ufos; psychology; history;

okay. i am not turning into a freak.
i am not going to join some club about ufos
or track news, investigate etc.

im basically just listening to this radio show
it's not some brainwashing show
it's simply a show from 903- hk radio
and this dude
each week he talks about different topics
but generally around the stuff i mentioned
and while he talks about it i go google and stuff
or else they wont make sense

and the dude
what he talks about is based on facts, news etc
like things that actually happened

so while people are doing glee / gg marathon
i do marathon for this. just catching up on the previous ones
and to be honest, i think it's far more interesting than rich bitches
okay. let me list some examples
- the conspiracy about the polish president
- how did the first nuclear bomb (that one that hit japan) came about
- prophecies about the end of the world including 2012, and other ones
- cults

and what i really like about this show is
it doesnt just giv you a whole lot of facts
and tell you, oh it's true
each show he tells you what been said, then gives you other version
he doesnt tell people what to believe

so yeah.
and i love how it's distracting me from upsetting thoughts
and it feels less boring even im at home

on the bright side
i was just looking into openrice
and then
found so many new places on the top charts
and most of them
are cakes and dessert.
damnnn. why did they come around when i was in hk
defo going to visit them.
i must say if i wasnt a 'fat base' person
i'd totally eat cakes and dessert as a meal everyday
and nicolee tsin: bring me to the macaroon place!
25 days left. woop woop