-i am so not prepared for romeo and juliet exam tomorrow
-and im not getting through any of the factorisation even i spent like the entire 2-4 hours (with zero distraction) trying
-that girl nicole wanted to slap did something unexpected today, i wanted shout ''lol'' so hard
-i didnt meet who i wanted to meet unexpectedly
-i found balenciaga bags in a red cross shop but the sales couldn't tell if they were real. the bags looked real and they were 30aussie dollars only, but i still didnt buy them.
-i was wearing a bow headband, i felt lovely like a candy girl in red and white plaid dress
-i lost my right contact this morning, idk what happended to it
-these tights!
-and im not getting through any of the factorisation even i spent like the entire 2-4 hours (with zero distraction) trying
-that girl nicole wanted to slap did something unexpected today, i wanted shout ''lol'' so hard
-i didnt meet who i wanted to meet unexpectedly
-i found balenciaga bags in a red cross shop but the sales couldn't tell if they were real. the bags looked real and they were 30aussie dollars only, but i still didnt buy them.
-i was wearing a bow headband, i felt lovely like a candy girl in red and white plaid dress
-i lost my right contact this morning, idk what happended to it
-these tights!