Saturday, May 30, 2009

my current food obsession

BREAKFAST- yes i must admit breakfast has always been my favourite meal. i just never get a chance to indulge it in hong kong because i was always busy ''getting prepared to go out''. my mom would never be bothered even she makes the best food in the world and my maid can never win my heart on food. but since they have continental breakfast here everyday i wouldnt mind serve my obsession. so far i've been addicted to coco pops because it reminds me of my sister :)) and pancakes! they are always good. im getting sick of the drinks eek. hahaah NIPPYS!

GREEN TEA LATTE - this is the best shit over carmel macchiato (my previous starbucks must) love it. even the ones in langham place were served in layers (syrup, milk, coffee, green tea powder... lol yeah im not fucking with you) they are so addictive, i bet they put cocaine in it as well :P

HONEY WITH YOGURT- yeah. i dont know i just like it.

red bull- i must confess that i miss my caffaine in the morning days. i always show up to homeroom with red bull / crappy canned coffee. they make me feel energetic in the morning. i felt like I HAD TO listen to electronic in the morning :DDD


  1. the band is called camera obscure.
    they do really good music.
    hope you're doing well.
    update me about ur work experience that's coming really soon.


  2. THERE, whore. i updated.
    scary how much you update hahaa. i did a new post and uve got like...5. or something. heh and ye honey and yogurt i have that alot, when the yogurt isnt already sweetened or wtih cereal. yum yum i love yogurt.

    EFFFFF and ur whatever makes weird noises.
