Sunday, May 31, 2009

life is full of surprises

-i am so not prepared for romeo and juliet exam tomorrow
-and im not getting through any of the factorisation even i spent like the entire 2-4 hours (with zero distraction) trying
-that girl nicole wanted to slap did something unexpected today, i wanted shout ''lol'' so hard
-i didnt meet who i wanted to meet unexpectedly
-i found balenciaga bags in a red cross shop but the sales couldn't tell if they were real. the bags looked real and they were 30aussie dollars only, but i still didnt buy them.
-i was wearing a bow headband, i felt lovely like a candy girl in red and white plaid dress
-i lost my right contact this morning, idk what happended to it
-these tights!


  1. ye we did elements but this is building on from what we already learnt last year. you wtf me? I WTF YOU. ROMEO AND JULIET? THAT IS YEAR 7 STUFF. and factorisation? things seems easy there...

    oh and? is there anyone that nicole doestn wanna slap haha. nice tights.

  2. ooohhh nice tights!i loled at your new friend dan over there.
